Friday, July 21, 2006

Floyd Landis and The Tour de France

Floyd Landis is an American racing in the Tour de France, perhaps the biggest and best known bike race in the world. Floyd was touted to be a favorite to win the 3-week race.

Landis was leading by a few minutes Wednesday morning. As the day played out, Floyd went from protecting his lead, to bonking - and in the process, losing over 8 minutes to one of his competitors.

By Wednesday evening, everyone said he was finished, that he would "never" make up the 8+minutes he trailed the new leader. This was a disaster in the making for Floyd Landis, and the team he rides for, Phonac. But on Thursday, he rode the ride of his life, and as many are saying, the ride of the Tour de France of all time. Bat that is the beauty of sports: you can come right back, the very next day, and prove that yes - you really are all that.

Companies ought to adopt the same mentality. Don't let the bad stuff stew; counter it with a strong showing within 24 hours, even if it means the ride of your company's life.