Friday, January 26, 2007

Starbucks: I Can Only Say Wow

My family took me to Circus Circus in Reno for my birthday. There is a little coffee stop (it's not even a coffee shop) where they "proudly serve Starbucks coffee." But what we got was a travesty. In fact, it was so bad, that we went back to talk with the workers.

When we got home, I wrote a letter to Starbucks corporate. What I got back was (a) a very nice email from a senior customer service representative; (b) a 30-minute call from the Starbucks manager responsible for Reno; and (c) a letter from that same customer representative with a few free "Coffees on us" coupons.

The one message that ran clearly through all of these communications was quite simple and powerful: we care that you contacted us, we thank you for your loyalty to our brand, and contact us again if you ever have such an experience.

Papillon Cafe is a local coffee shop that I frequent all the time. Owned by Brenda and Tom, they have created a wonderful community feel to Papillon - which just around the corner from a Starbucks. I sometimes go there when I want something I can't get from Papillon. And of course, Starbucks becomes my "third space" - other office - when I'm about town.

Papillon has my coffee consumer's heart - but Starbucks just earned some of that heart too.

Rock on, Starbucks.