Friday, December 16, 2005

Earthquake: Blogger Beats All The News Sources

Sitting in my office this morning, I felt a little jiggle, and wondered if we had just experienced an earthquake. However, our office is on a hill above a creek, and in California, in the back of your mind is the thought that each subsequent rain could result in your building or home sliding right down a slope (you've probably seen such footage on CNN).

So I wanted to know: was it an earthquake, or should we evacuate the building? A check with the usual suspects - San Francisco Chronicle, New York Times, CNN, - revealed nothing. So I turned to Technorati, using their new View In Mini service. Sure enough, beating the official AP story at 10:47a.m. PST , tankgirlh posted a quick note on the earthquake at 10:26, with a link to the official USGS Preliminary Earthquake Report press release. The earthquake occured at 10:21.

You and your company may still be debating how much energy to put into monitoring blogs, but really: there is no time to waste, you've got to do it now.

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