Sunday, August 20, 2006

Homemade Cafe: Really Hot Food

I've just had breakfast at the Homemade Cafe in Berkeley, California, for the thousandth time.

The Homemade Cafe's food is rock-solid good, but lots of cafes have good food. What makes their food fabulous is that their unusual set-up means that your food arrives at your table hot - with curls of steam rising from it, as if you - or someone - made it in your own kitchen.

How do they do this? They do not have waiters assigned to tables. Everyone serves everyone - seating patrons, taking orders, refilling water glasses, serving food as it comes right out of the kitchen, and issuing checks.

The result? An all-for-one atmosphere amongst the staff, fast service, and - best of all - really hot food delivered to your table!

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