Friday, April 27, 2007

"Shoot" the Rapper

This is not amusing:

You can read more about it at All Hip I found this when looking up the MySpace ads for a few of the presidential candidates. These ads are showing up on the pages of Virginia Tech victims. The company is The Advertisers Reward Network and may have been running online for several weeks.

So my question is ... what is MySpace going to do about this?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

DirecTV: They Don't Care, I Guess

Tim Jackson over at MarketingProfs says DirecTV struck out; he provides a detailed report of DirecTV's failure to reign in its 100 mph drivers.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fatburger's Phat Customer Service

The best turkey burgers I've ever had are those from Fatburger. They are succulent and juicy! However, that is not the reason I'm telling you about Fatburger: the service is as phat as the burgers.

Fatburger does not pre-cook their burgers, meat or turkey. So you have to be willing to wait. And I always am when I go because everyone is always pleasant and often down-right friendly. I don't feel like one in a long procession of customers. If you want a great burger (my friends swear by the beef burgers), see if there's a Fatburger near you!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Blockbuster and NYT: Too, Too Much

You know there are too many ads running on a single web page when your browser freezes up, even if for just 5 seconds. I had this experience this morning. Of course, it's not the first time and won't be the last - but I was shocked to have it happen on the New York Times. A banner ad and a side ad were the culprits, both from Blockbuster and both using Adobe flash. If I hadn't been working, that browser window would have been shut down.

I don't think this is providing a good experience for readers.