Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm So Happy, Oh So Happy ...

Oh yes, I am happy, because (a) I had to get a new bookkeeper and it turned out to be the best thing that's happened this month; and (b) Rhonda, my new bookkeeper, has amazing customer service. No - I mean it: so far, top-notch eye-popping service.

It started with
her giving me her client agreement to sign. Here's what it states:

Our telephone is monitored between the hours of 7am to 7pm, and it is our policy that if we cannot take your phone call immediately, we will return your call within one hour.
This client agreement was such a shock to me: rather than the usual mumbo-jumbo, it was a bit less than one page and a whole paragraph laid out her customer service credo.

Do you think I wanted to sign this agreement?!? Oh yeah, despite the fact that I was spending money. And with that start, Rhonda turned this whole process from one of pain to one of (hopefully inestimable) gain.

I look forward to blogging about how the process proceeds over the next year.

Go Rhonda!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Airline Customer Service

What is is about the airline industry that has spawned such bad customer service? Despite there being so many carriers, the fact is - as a whole - the airline industry has no effective competition. That means customer service for all carriers can fall to the lowest common denominator.

For example, though I love Jet Blue and Virgin Airlines, neither of those carriers goes everywhere I want/need. None of the carriers do. So I'm captive; unless I want to drive (which I choose to do in California and sometimes Nevada too), I don't have a choice but to fly the carriers that will take me to my destination.

USA Today has an active discussion carrying on: Flight Attendants Feel Wrath of Fliers, and Readers' Opinion.