Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yelp: Tools for Business Owners

Yelp is helping business owners provide better customer service. A new suite of tools allows you to to: send a message customers who have reviewed their business; see how many have viewed the page of their businesses; update information like when they are open; and get instant alerts when their business is reviewed - key to instantly joining the conversation about your business.

There's also a business owner's guide that is very useful.

Although the rants on Yelp get almost all of the press, according to Yelp, 85% of the posts are neutral to great (3 stars and up, as of Sept. 2008).

1 comment:

Yelpaddict said...

That's the saddest thing today, isn't it? In an age where everyone and anyone can put their content online, the Internet is kinda hard to filter for real stories and what's fabricated. Yelp is a case in point. With all the help it gives to business owners like me, it is the bad things that get highlighted. And guess what, it's the bad things that most people believe. That works negatively in 2 ways. (1) It discourages other people from trying out the service, (2) yelp does not get the change to help these people