Monday, June 22, 2009

Recession Strategies for Small Businesses

Brad Sugars wrote an article over on a year ago. But his 6 ideas are still very relevant. I particularly like giving your customers something to talk about (idea #2) and using sites like and to find smart folks to help you grow (idea #4). If you've been in my classes at Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, then you've heard all of this already.

Friday, June 12, 2009

CompUSA: The Smell Lingers ...

If every there was a reason to provide great customer service, the lingering anger customers feel toward the now defunct CompUSA should give you pause. In the last week - I cannot tell you why -- two different people have talked disparagingly about their terrible experience shopping a the stores. Russell Shaw's post, "CompUSA is Closing for Good. Good" says it all.