Friday, June 12, 2009

CompUSA: The Smell Lingers ...

If every there was a reason to provide great customer service, the lingering anger customers feel toward the now defunct CompUSA should give you pause. In the last week - I cannot tell you why -- two different people have talked disparagingly about their terrible experience shopping a the stores. Russell Shaw's post, "CompUSA is Closing for Good. Good" says it all.


Martia said...

CompUSA's biggest problem was not customer service. It was their obsolete machines that they were trying to sell at prices much higher everywhere else. I personally do not go there, but my mom had the misfortune of buying her phone from CompUSA 2 years or so before it closed.

SatChat said...

I hate to be mean, but CompUSA was one of the models I had for what NOT to do when I first came out with my online satellite business.