Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bing and Facebook

There's been a lot of discussion about Google Instant Search. I'm waiting to see how that will change search engine optimization for my clients. But no one seems to be talking too much about the expansion of the relationship between Bing and Facebook.

We are rolling out some new features that allow you to take your friends with you into your Bing experience, both at www.bing.com as well as within the search experience at www.facebook.com. We will enable a great search experience for people queries, by bringing in information from your Facebook friends and people who share networks with you, and we will show you what your friends have liked (using Facebook's public like platform) as you navigate through search results in Bing.
You can see some screenshots here.

This is an interesting development, as both Bing and Yahoo keep trying different tactics to try to grab search engine market share from Google, but I can't help but see an elephant (Google) ignoring the mosquitoes trying to bite through its thick hide - and getting nowhere.

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