Saturday, December 01, 2007

Apple Leaves A Customer High & Dry

Last Sunday, while standing outside on the patio at the end of an event, my partner brought our friend Susan over to me then delicately beat a hasty retreat.

Susan's hard drive had crashed. And her back-up hadn't backed up properly in a year. (Note to self: check your back up every now and again.)

She'd been trying to get some assistance from Apple and it wasn't going well. Even though she'd bought a replacement Mac, she still needed her hard drive salvaged if at all possible. When she asked at the Apple store how to do this, they gave her a handful of companies where she could take her hard drive.

That's it.

So Susan was reduced to asking me - a non-Apple user but, okay, a bit of a geek - what I thought she should do. I might add that she was fairly spittin' mad at this point, and talking about returning the Mac she'd just bought. She felt ill-used, in fact; a non-geek amongst the scary techies.

Many of you may have followed Heidi Miller's and Shel Holtz's experience last year when her hard drive failed. Believe it or not, that was the information I drew on to give Susan some advice (with all the appropriate caveats, of course).

Uh-oh: we have PC people repping Apple!

I haven't spoken to Susan since regaling her with all the horrors she can expect from Apple's infamous customer service, but I'll be seeing her in a few days and will get the details then.

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