Saturday, December 01, 2007

Personalized Starbucks Card: Round 2

I just went through customizing a Starbucks card - I can't tell you who for because it's a family member. It wasn't quite as much fun as I 'd hoped. There were quite a lot of choices, but frankly, I was hoping to upload a design of my own creation.

Oh well.

My second issue - and this is more of a beef -you don't find out until the very, very last page that there's a $4.00 customization fee. This is in addition to loading the card to buy coffee. And that's my other, related issue - you can't load the card for less than $15.00. Yet without a doubt, if you send this card to someone who goes to Starbucks regularly, they will load and reload this card. The gift should really be in taking the time to create a cool card.

Of course, for Starbucks, that means that each order is a minimum $19.00.

I won't be giving too many friends a $19.00 card. And that's too bad, because I'd take the time to design a LOT of these if the total amount I had to pay was, say, $10.

Next up: how the card looks. Stay tuned ...

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