Friday, August 28, 2009

International Houseware Association Tradeshow

Entrepreneurs who have taken one of my marketing classes know that I am a big believer in going to tradeshows. You don't need to have a booth to gather invaluable market research.

The International Houseware Association runs the International Home + Housewares Show in the Spring. If you cannot make these tradeshows, sometimes you'll get lucky: an attendee, like a Gourmet Retailer journalist, will write about the trends she/he discovered. In March 2009, Gourmet Retailer published an article that identified the following trends: Living in Our Kitchens, The Wellness Kitchen & Cooking for Fun, Living Within Our Means, and The Green Kitchen. If you're in the food business, these trends are worth checking out.

If you know your industry tradeshow is taking place, be extra-vigilant in visiting related websites, and searching for press releases.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Competition for Business Capital

Entrepreneurs know: capital is tight right now, and banks have made it tough to get credit.

Have you thought about capital competitions?

Take advantage of this upcoming opportunity to pitch your business idea at The Perfect Pitch Entrepreneur & Investor Conference. Heavy-hitting venture capitalists will be in the audience, headlined by Sir Richard Branson (Virgin founder and overall cool dude). Submissions are due September 8th. Someone's going to get the money; why not you?

In addition to pitching for money, The Perfect Pitch is a day-long conference for entrepreneurs taking place October 26th in Marina Del Rey, CA.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Market Research for Designers: Color Palettes

If you make clothing, handbags, or other accessories, you know you've got to keep up with the hot new colors. You can download a PDF swatchbook from Pantone, called Pantone Fashion Color Report Fall 2009. It's late to be looking at colors for 2009, but it's also free, and if you're still building your line or accessories, it's perfect.

Pantone also publishes the PANTONE VIEW Colour Planner, which is $750. But take a look at their press release: they don't include swatches, but it does discuss the eight palettes for use in women’s wear, menswear, and active wear. palettes

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who's Using Twitter?

Want to do a little market research on who's using twitter? A nifty new tool to use is Buzzom, which makes it easy to find people by by searching the bios of twitterers. You can then decide who you want to follow, and you can do that right from Buzzom too. You need to have a twitter account, so sign up first, then go flit around.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Two Market Research Tips

(Note: My next several posts are really for the entrepreneurs I instruct at the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center. But I decided to write them here as a way to make them easily available to past students too. If you're not a Ren. Center member, you are welcome too!)

There are several resources that will help make your market research easier. I will be adding more over the next few days, so be sure to check back. Also, if you have any questions, please ask them in a comment; there are probably at least a few more in the class that also have questions. I'll post my response here.

Many entrepreneurs have a budget of $0 when it comes to market research. So my suggestions here are for free or almost free tips and tools that will help you.

(1) Surveys

One of the best tools you can use for primary research is online surveys. Try one of these three: Survey Monkey has a guide on creating strong online surveys, so I would encourage you to consider using them. I've used Survey Monkey for both small and mid-size organizations; there's a good chance it will handle what you need.

In an ideal world, you would distribute your survey to your entire target market. But to keep it simple, yet still get meaningful responses, you can start with your friends and family, and ask them to send the link to anyone they think would be interested in your product or service.

You want your survey invitation to look very professional. Sending it out via a service like Constant Contact means that it will look professional. But more importantly, you'll be able to track who actually opened your email.

(2) Tradeshows
Another great primary research source is a tradeshow. I can't emphasize how much information you can get walking up and down the aisles of your industry's tradeshow. Information dangles everywhere, ready to be plucked and consumed. You can find a tradeshow on TSNN by searching their immense database.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Generations Using Social Media

eMarketer's newsletter has very useful numbers on who's using social media. You might be surprised to discover that every single generation over the age of 13 - including the WWII generation - is represented.
Here's the table from eMarketer:

Go forth and find your target market.

reference article: How the Old, the Young and Everyone in Between Uses Social Networks