Friday, July 10, 2009

Learn More From Your Client in 15 Minutes A Day

One of the consistent issues I hear from clients is that they don't like to do research. They have bad visions of being in high school and having to write that book report. "Yuck," they say.

So I've been thinking about this problem for awhile. With good market research, I've seen how it is so much easier for my clients to:
  • decide what product or service to sell (!)
  • describe their product/service;
  • price their product/service;
  • design a marketing plan that doesn't waste time or money by being in the wrong place at the wrong time; and
  • SELL their product/service
So, what can you accomplish in 15 minutes?

  • read your Google alerts
  • visit your trade association website
  • view a video on survey design fundamentals (this is really only 10 minutes!)
  • create a mini survey for your best customers
  • call one ongoing customer and check in with them
  • call one ongoing customer and ask them the questions from your survey
  • create a free survey on survey monkey or zoomerang and send it out to your email list

Got some more ideas?

1 comment:

Candy said...

sometimes, you are so caught up with the big picture that small things like this get waylaid and brushed off. thanks for the tips, i will make sure that i spend 15 mins a day doing these!