Thursday, July 02, 2009

Revenue, Anyone?

In the marketing classes I teach, I always emphasize that an undeniable goal of an entrepreneur - no matter what - is about making revenue, 'cause without revenue, they'll be out of business.

That doesn't mean they can't have other goals. My company, for example, supports a social venture in Kenya called Uplift Business Alliance. In fact, we're looking for business-minded volunteers who would like to go to Nairobi, Kenya for a week in January 2010 to work with Kenyan entrepreneurs. Leave a comment if you're interested and we'll get in touch.

So I found a recent email invite from Guy Kawasaki to attend Revenue Bootcamp, "a conference for entrepreneurs to energize their strategies for generating revenue," intriguing.

Here's who's speaking:

  • Chris Anderson, the author of "The Long Tail" and editor of Wired Magazine, talk about "The Future of Pricing"

  • Mike Moritz, general partner at Sequoia Capital and Google board member, talk about the outlook for high tech startups

  • Paul Graham, founder of Y Combinator, talk about helping entrepreneurs start their companies

  • Eighteen other authors, experts, and entrepreneurs talk about what it takes to win new customers, increase sales to your current customers, and expand your revenues in today's economy

Guy, the founder of Garage Technology Ventures, will also speak, of course. Check it out ... maybe I'll see you there.

1 comment:

Alvin said...

I am looking forward to hear Chris Anderson speak. It was Long Tail that really got me thinking about niche programs. Too bad I came across this post too late :(