Monday, July 20, 2009

Reducing Start-Up Costs

CNN has a cool article, Air Force vet turns to dogs for cash. Lori Lawrence wrote a very detailed business plan. Originally, she thought she needed $147,000 to open. But in the end, she reduced her start-up costs to $35,000, with help from the Small Business Administration.

Entrepreneurs who want to start a business, especially one which requires capital investment like a storefront or specialized equipment, sometimes think they need a lot more cash than they may really be able to get by with. If Lori Lawrence had continued to think that she needed $147,000, she would've had to walk away from her dream.

One of my students from a few years back (i.e., before the economy recessed) wanted to start a bakery in San Francisco. Originally, she needed a whole wad of cash - five zeros worth. But her lack of access to capital forced her to re-think. Through careful consideration, she realized that she could purchase much of her equipment used. In addition, she realized that she could actually *outsource* part of her manufacturing needs, by carefully finding the right vendor who shared her values in food preparation.

So take a look: are your start-up costs too high? If so, can you be creative in reducing your costs? How? If you've got a good idea, share it - someone else may be able to use it too!


Justin said...

You are right, right now we really all have to think out of the box to bring not just start up costs, but basically everything down. There are, thankfully, a lot of business avenues available for startups, but as with any undertaking, remember that there are pros and cons and risks involved.

Pablo said...

Hi there. When I started my clothing business a few months back, I jumpstarted it online. Using a web site, I did business exclusively online for three months. It was sort of testing the waters for me and then I ran surveys and polls. Three months later, armed with knowing what my customer liked, I started constructing my physical store, helped by the money I got online too!