Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Doing Market Research at a Tradeshow

I've just attended the 35th Winter Fancy Food show, one of the best places to find trend data for the cost of getting into the tradeshow. (The cost for the Fancy Food show was $35).

When you plan to do market research, create a plan before you go. Think about the questions for which you need answers. Write them out, and be sure they are open-ended, not questions which can be answered with a yes or no. Top up your business cards.
When you're at the tradeshow, don't forget to grab all the information you can find. At the Fancy Food show, I was able to get several copies of industry trade magazines, a newspaper, and sign up for an electronic newsletter when I got back to my office.

Most importantly, never break the cardinal rule: Do Not get in the way of a potential sale! Wait until the booth is not busy. If, while you are talking to the person, a prospect approaches, step aside. You can quickly ask if you can call them later, trade business cards and move on.

Between talking to various conversations, take a moment to make notes about what you learned so it's fresh. Then, when you get back to your office, fill your notes in so you don't forget anything.

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