Monday, January 18, 2010

San Francisco Fancy Food Show

I just attended the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco. I spoke with many entrepreneurs, just brief conversations. Here are some of them:

  • Leah of Mrs. A's Famous Salsa Buena, a teacher, who was encouraged to start her company by her high school class.

  • Hattem, who is bringing the U.S. the healthful and delicious fava bean

  • Mathieu, co-founder of Alter Eco, which makes an amazing (one of my personal Best in Show choices!) Dark Quinoa chocolate bar. (Quinoa is pronounced "keen-wah".)

  • Geline of Italian Heritage Foods, who's title on her business card is "Mamma" (love that), is introducing amazingly delicious frozen Italian crepes.

  • Kari, of Kari's Malva Pudding - an incrediby delicious South African dessert, and Nelson Mandela's favorite.
Watch this space for their stories, as well as information on food trends.

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